Možno si poviete, že som decko, a budete mať pravdu :o) Ale nemôžem si pomôcť, bláznivý Jack mi úplne učaroval :o) Aj keď vyzerá ako príslušníčka jednej našej národnostnej menšiny s účesom Boba Marleya a načierno namaľovanými očami, má zlaté zuby a boty ako kocúr v čižmách :o))) Myslím, že to bude tým humorom...
Prepáčte, že vás zase otravujem tou angličtinou, ale nechce sa mi to prekladať :o) Takže niekoľko gagov z filmu:
Elizabeth Swann: Will!
Will Turner: Elizabeth!
Jack Sparrow: Monkey!
Barbossa: Thank you, Jack.
Jack Sparrow: You’re welcome.
Barbossa: Oh, not you. We named the monkey Jack.
Jack Sparrow: no good! no good! what’re you doing?! you’ve burned the food... the supplies... the rum!"
Elizabeth Swann: Yes, the rum’s gone.
Jack Sparrow: But why’s the rum gone?
Elizabeth Swann: First, because it is a vile drink that turns even the most respectable men into vile scoundrels. Second and more importantly, those smoke signals are over a thousand feet high. The entire Royal Navy is out looking for me, do you think that there is even the slightest chance that they wont see it?
Jack Sparrow: but....Why’s the rum gone?
Jack Sparrow: You, sailor!
Mr. Gibbs: Cotton, sir.
Jack Sparrow: Mr. Cotton. Do you have the courage and fortitude to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?
Jack Sparrow: Mr. Cotton! Answer, man!
Mr. Gibbs: He’s a mute, sir. We reckon he’s had his tongue cut out, so he’s trained the parrot to talk for him. We haven’t yet figured out how...
Jack Sparrow: Mr. Cotton’s... parrot. Same question.
Parrot: Wind in the sail! Wind in the sail!
Mr. Gibbs: Mostly, we fear, that means ’yes.’
Will Turner: You fight like a dairy farmer!
Jack Sparrow: How appropriate, you fight like a cow!!
Jack Sparrow: Now, give me that horizon...
Jack Sparrow: And really bad eggs... Drink up me ’arties yo ho!
I mne
To bol moc pekný film
Dobre som sa zasmial.